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Activity 1: Academic journals


Question 1- Academic journals

Is this is an academic journal? Click on the link below which will open in a separate window.


The answer is yes.

Whilst this journal is not immediately identified as being "peer-reviewed" it is nevertheless an academic journal. This is highlighted in the overview section which explains under the aims and scope:

English in Education, the academic journal of the National Association for the Teaching of English (NATE) publishes papers and articles which report on research related to all aspects of English teaching both from within the United Kingdom and from other nations, where English language and literature are part of the school and Higher Education curriculum, and are taught to mother-tongue English speakers.

It further goes on to say:

The work of the Journal is overseen by the Academic review Board which ensures fair reviewing of all submissions through anonymous refereeing.

Yes this is an academic journal. This is highlighted in the overview section which explains under the aims and scope:

English in Education, the academic journal of the National Association for the Teaching of English (NATE) publishes papers and articles which report on research related to all aspects of English teaching both from within the United Kingdom and from other nations, where English language and literature are part of the school and Higher Education curriculum, and are taught to mother-tongue English speakers.

It further goes on to say:

The work of the Journal is overseen by the Academic review Board which ensures fair reviewing of all submissions through anonymous refereeing.

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English in Education