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Finding and accessing peer-reviewed journal articles

You can use NORA Power Search to help you find and access peer-reviewed journal articles. Once you have typed in your keywords you can use Refine your search which gives you the option to restrict your results:

This option is also provided in many of the bibliographic databases you can access via NORA, for example:

Business Source Premier, CINAHL and SPORTDiscus - which are available on the EBSCOhost platform -

Proquest databases such as ASSIA, ARTbibliographies Modern, Biological Sciences and British Humanities Index -

Remember that to access some of these databases you will need to enter your University credentials (computer username and password). For more information see: Logging into e-resources

Some journals when accessed via a database will indicate whether they are academic and peer-reviewed (see image below):

The above image was captured from the Business Source Premier database: (Accessed: 4 April 2013).