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Professional journals

You might be asked to read journals that are published by professional bodies, chartered institutes, associations and societies, for example: the British Medical Association, Chartered Institute of Personnel Development, Chartered Institute of Building, Society of Professional Journalists.

These are usually organisations which professionals can join and they often publish journals that are tailored to the interests of their members.

These can also still be considered as trade publications and it should be mentioned that the two terms can be used interchangeably.

  • These types of journals contain useful information on current topics/news/professional issues/events
  • They sometimes may also present professional development articles for the improvement of skills
  • The articles are often written by members of the profession or trade or by specialised journalists or technical writers so there is some assumption that the reader has a certain level of knowledge
  • The articles may sometimes contain a bibliography

Examples of professional journals include: People Management or Construction Research and Innovation Journal.

Again, remember that these should be used alongside academic journals.