Please type your answers to the questions that follow into the boxes below and then click the button to see if you are correct.
When you refer to someone else's work in the text of your assignment what is this called?
A citation or in-text citation. In an author (date) style such as Harvard this information would be shown as follows:Nielsen (2000) argues against using frames in website design...
With the full reference being:Nielsen, J. (2000) Designing web usability. Indiana: New Riders Publishing.
However in a numbered referencing style your in-text citation would be shown thus:Nieslen argues against using frames in website design and goes on to say that if frames have to be used then they should be used sparingly [1].
The reference(s) would then be listed by their number.[1] NIELSEN, J. Designing web usability. Indiana: New Riders Publishing, 2000.
Sources that you use for background reading but do not directly refer to in your work should be listed in a what?
A piece of text that contains all the information a reader needs to identify and locate a source is called a what?
If you use others' work without distinguishing it from your own, what you will have committed?
How would you cite a source by Smith, published in 2003?
How would you cite a source by Jackson, Philips and Cook from 1997?
How would you cite the work of Lee (from 1999) if it was referred to on page 8 of Hill (2001)?